How to Use Send to Kindle: A Step-by-step Guide

As Kindle’s functions get more and more overarching, this dominant device designed to reestablish the eReader world has been able to suit even more occasions, basically you can view anything you want on Kindle. But there’s a prerequisite for taking the most advantage of Kindle, which is understanding how to use Send to Kindle service developed by Amazon. It’s a convenient function that enables users to transfer files to Kindle using Wi-Fi connection, without having to go through the trouble of using USB cables. Send to Kindle can be easily learned and then be widely used, working perfectly fine on both PC and mobile phone, sectored into five general methods: Google Chrome, PC, Mac, Email and mobile phone. There are however differences relating to what contents you are allowed to send (see details at each method below), and you can decide which devices you are about to send the contents to. Among the five methods mentioned, it’s up to you to choose the one that suits you the most.
Stay tuned while we offer you the most hands-on guide to navigate around Send to Kindle from ground zero.
Use Send to Kindle on Google Chrome
*For those of you who want to send news articles, blog posts and other web content to Kindle.
**Only viable if you’re using an account.
- In Chrome Web Store, download and install Send to Kindle for Google Chrome.
- Log in with your Amazon account on the pop-up page.
- Decide which devices are about to receive the content in the Delivery Settings page. And choose to archive the web content in your Kindle Library or not. Once archived, the contents can be accessed from any Kindle device or free reading app on iOS or Android device.
- On the webpage you want to send, click the Send to Kindle icon on the browser. Then decide which functions you’d like to use.
Use Send to Kindle on PC
*This method is suited for sending any personal documents.
**Only viable if you’re using an account.
- Download and install Send to Kindle for PC.
- Sign in with your Amazon account.
- Then you can:
- Select one or more files, then right-click and click on Send to Kindle.
- Drag and drop the documents onto the Send to Kindle program.
- Choose to print the documents, and set the printer as Send to Kindle.
Use Send to Kindle on Mac
*This method is suited for sending any personal documents.
**Only viable if you’re using an account.
- Download and install Send to Kindle for Mac.
- Log in with your Amazon account.
- From here, you have multiple ways to send contents to Kindle:
- Drag and drop documents onto the Send to Kindle icon located in Dock;
- In Finder, right-click the files, in the drop-down menu choose Send to Kindle
- With applications that support printing, in the print menu select Send to Kindle printer.
Use Send to Kindle by Email
*This method supports sending personal documents of certain formats: Microsoft Word (.DOC, .DOCX), HTML (.HTML, .HTM), RTF (.RTF), JPEG (.JPEG, .JPG), Kindle Format (.MOBI, .AZW), GIF (.GIF), PNG (.PNG), BMP (.BMP) and PDF (.PDF).
**Note that using this method, any files that are over 50MB can’t be sent, or archived in Kindle Library.
- Browse Manage Your Content and Devices page, click on the Preferences
- Scroll down and select Personal Document Settings, here you’ll find your Kindle email address related to a certain device of yours. There can be many if you have multiple devices registered.
- Next to the Kindle email address you’ll find an area called Approved Personal Document Email List, which shows which email address can be used to send documents to your Kindle devices. You can make changes to it by selecting Add a new approved email address.
- Send an email using an approved email address with one or more files attached to it and enter your Kindle email address as the receiver. It’s totally okay to leave the title blank, as Amazon says it’s not necessary.
- After receiving an email coming from Amazon that informs you about the action, be sure to verify the request to send contents to Kindle in 48 hours.
- On the Kindle device you’ve sent the contents to, you’ll see the desired files appear in your library and start downloading.
Use Send to Kindle on iPhone and Android phone
*Supports certain file types: Microsoft Word (.DOC, .DOCX), PDF (.PDF), Images (.JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG, .BMP) and Kindle Format (.MOBI, .AZW).
- Download the Amazon Kindle application in App Store or Google Play Store.
- In any application that supports sharing with Kindle, select Share, and choose Kindle.
I think we can all agree that Send to Kindle has changed the way we use Kindle fundamentally. This easy-to-use function is becoming users favorite, but it still has unsolved problems. People constantly encounter errors when Send to Kindle just doesn’t work, and they just want to find better alternatives, feel free to click on the links to know more details about enhancing your experience with Send to Kindle.